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Who I Work With

Indoor Snake Plants
Plant Hanger


Parents of Adolescents & Teens

Dry Roses in Vase

Young Adults

Part of being a teenager is navigating its ups and downs. There can be stress around school grades and future life plans, friendships and relationships (both romantic and not), family life and so much more. I am here to be a sounding board, an ally and a partner to talk through the highs and lows. We will work together to figure out how you can feel your most successful and like your best self.
Parenting teens brings about a whole new set of challenges that you may not have faced in your child's younger years. You may need a space to talk through different parenting strategies, to learn new approaches to foster a positive relationship with your child, or to process what has been happening in the household. My unique experience working in middle and high schools allows me insight into a teenager's every day life, while my contact with parents through said schools and private therapy continues to keep me up to date on being a parent in today's world.

Young adulthood is a unique time of life -- you may be navigating new jobs, relationships, expectations and levels of responsibility you haven't had before. You may be exploring who you are and who you want to be in the world. Whether you want to find strategies to cope with feelings surrounding these changes and expectations, or explore who you are and who you want to grow into, we will work together to tailor your sessions to create a time that feels valuable and meaningful to you.

Cactus Plant


There are an infinite number of stressors and decisions to be made in adulthood. Allow me to work with you to prioritize balance and personal well-being. We can set goals, process life events, and explore the relationships in your life that serve you, or do the opposite. All of the world's expectations can be put on hold and we can spend time focused solely on you and your needs.
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